APP welcomes Tynebridge Solutions Inc.

July 8, 2022 — APP’s newest Associate Member – Tynebridge Solutions Inc. – has a very straightforward approach to projects: “Pragmatic Innovation”.

“We work well together, we enjoy a challenge and solving problems, and that’s what keeps us motivated,” said Robert Hedley, one of Tynebridge’s founding members. “We’re all very practical guys but with the distinction of thinking outside of the box.”  While that may be true, Hedley, along with Stuart Crawford and Ben Thompson, also have some fairly high credentials and significant experience to back up that style.

Established in Vancouver BC in December 2021, Tynebridge Solutions Inc. is a relatively new entity, although Hedley, Crawford, and Thompson have known each other and worked together in the industry for over 20 years.

Hedley’s 40-year career in the shipping industry started as a marine engineer on various vessel types before being promoted to Chief Engineer and he then embarked on a successful career on land – in the UK with Hedley Engineering Services, followed by a move to Canada in 2000 with Teekay Corp. (as Vice President, Global Marine and Technical Standards), and Seaspan Marine Corp. (as Senior Vice President, Operations).

In addition to being a marine engineer with extensive experience in new ship construction, Stuart Crawford also has an Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics from the Copenhagen Business School as well as senior management and technical positions with Teekay Corp., Seaspan Corp., and Pioneer Marine. Most recently, he was CEO and President of Clean Ocean LNG, an LNG bunkering transportation service.

Ben Thompson is Glasgow University qualified as a Naval Architect and an Ocean Engineer and he has both a technical and commercial background with over 30 years in the regulatory and consulting fields at Lloyd’s Register and British Maritime Technology (BMT). Ben’s most recent position was as Director of Gas Supply Chain at LR Americas.

While the company has been primarily focused on LNG and alternative energy solutions, the experience of the Tynebridge team lends itself well to most any shipping, ship management, and marine transportation logistics project. “Our natural niche has been in providing support to companies in the LNG industry – whether that be ship owners building new vessels or LNG producers looking to establish export facilities and markets,” Hedley said, adding that their large network of subject matter experts is always ready to assist worldwide.

An example of the type of project Hedley is referencing is an LNG production facility in northern British Columbia. “They don’t have waterfront access so we’re providing the logistic support to help them develop plans to export the LNG in in ISO containers. The beauty of LNG and ISO containers is that you don’t need additional infrastructure. Our work includes creating the design for a new class of ship that would be dedicated to carrying the ISO containers.”

While the LNG industry has been a natural fit for Tynebridge, other projects span across multiple marine sectors and disciplines. For example, Tynebridge is assisting 4FOLD, the foldable container company, in developing commercial markets; and another project has them working with a Canadian R&D company to develop a new form of fast vessel. “The vessel is capable of achieving 60 knots, making it ideal for a fast, amphibious rescue vessel for coast guards or navies,” said Hedley. “The R&D company will benefit from our connections, which will allow them to commercialize the vessel and that’s where we come in, we’re able to open up the market for them.”

While based in British Columbia, the work of Tynebridge takes them all over the world, and the Tynebridge team are well versed in delivering turnkey marine solutions for different applications, drawing on their collective experience to build, operate and manage tailored shipping solutions for Clients. “Essentially, we are covering all aspects associated with moving their commodities to market. Whether it’s going to Asia to establish commercial markets for West Coast connections (or vice versa), to the East Coast to apply concepts that have been proven here, or to Europe or anywhere else in the world to build those partnerships that are crucial for a global industry, our expertise and skillset provides many opportunities.”

As an Associate Member of the Association of Pacific Ports, the Tynebridge team are looking to expand their network and create awareness of their expertise in the marine transportation and logistics fields. “Establishing connections with ports around the Pacific Ocean is key when considering that LNG exports require import facilities on the receiving end that are capable of unloading the ISO containers,” Hedley said, noting that it doesn’t necessarily mean that new high capital infrastructure is required as it is for large scale bulk LNG shipments, “Sometimes a basic berth for a ship with the ability to load the containers onto barges is all that’s needed.”

The Tynebridge partners look forward to working with APP Members – not only to offer the services of Tynebridge but to build relationships that can benefit existing clients. “We’re always looking out for opportunities that are mutually beneficial – the APP provides a great forum for learning and networking, and we are looking forward to building on that.”

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