Grays Harbor celebrates completion of Haul Road Erosion Mid-Term Strategy Project

October 6, 2023 — Recognizing partnerships, infrastructure and coordination, Port Commissioners and staff gathered with representatives from the Chehalis Basin Strategy, Grays Harbor County, the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority and Grays Harbor Energy to celebrate the completion of the Haul Road Erosion Mid-Term Strategy Project on Thursday afternoon.

The project helped address immediate erosion threats from the Chehalis River to critical utilities along the Haul Road including a 42-inch industrial watermain that serves the Business Park.  The project was developed and implemented in close coordination with the Chehalis Basin Strategy.  The project included the construction and placement of self-mitigating bioengineered log structures at the erosion site, embankment reshaping and installation of riparian plantings that help improve aquatic species’ habitats and advance broader restoration goals for the Chehalis Basin.  The Port’s lead engineer for the project was Parametrix and the construction contract was awarded to Rognlin’s, Inc. of Aberdeen, the lowest responsible bidder.

“We are so grateful to all of our project partners for making this project a reality,” shared Satsop Business Park General Manager Alissa Shay.  “From design and funding, to permitting and construction, this critical infrastructure project is a testament to what can be achieved when we all come together for a unified purpose.”

Acting OCB Director Nat Kale said, “The Department of Ecology’s Office of Chehalis Basin works with local partners to aggressively pursue opportunities to reduce flood damages and to protect and restore aquatic species.  The Port of Grays Harbor’s Haul Road project achieves both.  It preserves valuable infrastructure that was at immediate risk of damage, threatening the local economy, and it does so in a way that is far better for aquatic life than old approaches that relied on walls of rock or steel.”

Funding for the Mid-Term Strategy came from a variety of partner sources including Office of the Chehalis Basin, Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority, private partner Grays Harbor Energy, Grays Harbor County’s .09 fund, and the Port’s Capital Budget.  The Grays Harbor PUD supported the project by adjusting its utilities in the area to accommodate construction.  The Mid-Term Strategy is planned to provide ten years of protection as the Port continues to work with the project partners to identify long-term solutions along the adjacent reach of the Chehalis River.

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