Port Authority of Guam Board unanimously adopts 2023 Master Plan

Port of Guam

April 10, 2023 — The Port Authority of Guam Board of Directors has unanimously adopted the Port 2023 Master Plan.

Port Authority of Guam General Manager Rory J. Respicio presented the 2023 Master Plan to the Board of Directors during their monthly meeting held last week.

The purpose of the 2023 Port of Guam Master Plan is to assist the Port to define its near-term and long-term approach to improving the port by maintaining fiscally sustainable operations, and promoting increased awareness and consensus on its approach among all affectedstakeholders and the rate payers of Guam.

The 2023 Master Plan for the Jose D. Leon Guerrero culminates with a Port Improvement Program (PIP) comprised of two categories – Port Readiness Plan (PRP) and the Sustainability Plan (SP). The PRP is subdivided into capital improvement projects and other port readiness projects, while the SP addresses continued professional and technical services oversight and support to address port sustainability and resiliency, environmental initiatives to reduce the port’s carbon footprint and reduce its greenhouse effects, and strategic goals toward zero waste improvements. The PIP is focuses on ensuring the future readiness and resiliency of a modernized facility through the hardening of Port of Guam assets and resources to address national security concerns from the current and anticipated geopolitical environment.

Respicio said the 2023 Master Plan will guide the agency over the next five to 10 years as they transform the Port into a world-class facility able to meet the growing demands of Guam and the entire military Indo-Pacific region.

“We want to asses the current and projected cargo opportunities based on Guam market drivers, determine near-term resiliency improvements and operation adjustments to accommodate the peak of the military buildup, support Indo-Pacific Command’s Pacific Deterrence Initiative and ensure maritime posture for future deployments of  military assets,” said Respicio.

The Board of Directors unanimously adopted Board Resolution No. 2023-04, which states:
“Relative to affirming that the attached document entitled, ‘The 2023 Master Plan for the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port of Guam,’ shall be the version that will be put forth publicly and advanced thereafter to the Governor through the Bureau of Statistics and Plans and the Guam Legislature pursuant to Sections 1205 and 1206, Article 2, Chapter 1 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated.”


  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the Port’s current conditions including governance, financial, operational, and physical attributes;
  • Assess the current and projected cargo opportunities based on Guam’s market drivers,
    which consist of military realignments, tourism, transshipment and organic growth;
  • Determine near-term resiliency improvements and operational adjustments to accommodate the peak of the military build-up, support Indo-Pacific Command’s Pacific Deterrence initiative (PDI) and ensure maritime posture for future deployments of military assets;
  • Estimate the Port’s capacity and ability to meet the projected demand and tenant requirements;
  • Identify long-term port improvement efforts targeted towards continuing operational and economic sustainability;
  • Establish optimal requirements for operations, maintenance and repair, and capital improvement projects;
  • Validate the efficient and effective use of the Port’s resources and assets;
  • Present commercial strategies for PAG to diversify its revenue base and enhance its financial self-sufficiency including a comprehensive tariff simplification and associated benefits to the PAG and port users;
  • Assess the impact of the recommended strategies on Guam’s economic conditions; and
  • Prepare implementation programs to support a coordinated approach of continuous Port improvements balanced with sustainability.


  • Ship-to-Shore Gantry Crane Replacement
  • Rehabilitation of Area A Fuel Storage Facility
  • In-Water Infrastructure Study
  • Wharves and Fuel Piers Long Term Replacement
  • Financial Management System
  • Guam Customs Inspection Facility
  • Solar Power Study
  • Tariff Simplification
  • Terminal Operating System
  • Information Technology Study
  • Port Users Group Initiative for System Integration
  • Financial Feasibility Analysis
  • Economic Impact

The Port Authority of Guam transmitted the 2023 Master Plan and Board Resolution to the Bureau of Statistics & Plans (BSP) for review, public hearing and final adoption. Upon completion, the BSP will forward its  recommendation on the 2023 Master Plan to the Governor for ultimate submission to the Guam Legislature.

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