Port of Columbia County secures grant funding for Scappoose Bay Marina

October 11, 2023 — Port of Columbia County Commissioners voted unanimously at their October 11 meeting to approve two Oregon State Marine Board (OSMB) grants the Port received through the Boating Facility and Waterway Access Grant program, which invests the fees and taxes paid by motorized boaters for boating facility improvements.

Scappoose Bay Marina offers a public boat launch with access to the Columbia River and a separate dock for launching kayaks, canoes, and stand-up paddle boards adjacent to miles of flat-water estuaries.

The Port will receive $485,000, combined with a Port match of $1,455,000, to fund maintenance dredging at the marina. The dredging area will include the current marina and a new kayak launch area. The plans are to remove approximately 77,000 cubic yards of sediment to increase depths and improve launching and retrieval for boaters. The dredging is planned to take place during the October 2024 in-water work window.

The Port will receive an additional $407,912, combined with a 50% Port match of $407,912, to fund the upland construction portion of the Scappoose Bay Marina Improvement Project. The plans include building a new kayak unloading and staging area in the upper parking lot with an air fill station, installation of a second pay station, creation of additional public and ADA parking spots, and widening the existing sidewalks to alleviate congestion. Construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2024.

“Scappoose Bay Marina is a popular destination in the county and it’s not uncommon to see upwards of 2,000 visitors during a summer weekend,” said Port Executive Director Sean Clark. “Port staff has been working hard to secure the grant funding necessary to renovate the marina, and we look forward to expanding access to the local waterway and creating a safer experience for all.”

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