October 15, 2023 — The Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port of Guam is celebrating its 48th Anniversary and will hold a series of events throughout the week.
This year’s celebration was kicked off with the “ADAHI I TANO” (TAKING CARE OF THE LAND) Cleanup Project of Route 11 from USO Beach to Family Beach on Saturday, October 14, 2023. The Port Week Opening Ceremony will take place tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. with a flag-raising ceremony followed by a parade of trucks, proclamation signing by Acting Governor Josh Tenorio, and resolution presentation by the Guam Legislature.
“We have accomplished so much this past year toward improving and securing our facilities to better serve our community all the while remaining fiscally prudent and achieving low-risk auditee status for the fourth consecutive year and receiving positive credit ratings from Moody’s Investors Service and S&P Global Ratings,” said General Manager Rory J. Respicio. “Thanks to the hardworking employees of the Port, we have raised the bar and set higher standards because we’ve proven that we can do it. We are going make sure that our community continues to see the Port through the eyes of our Port co-workers so everyone can recognize all the hard work and sacrifices made to keep the Port Authority 100% operational.”
Events for the 2023 Port Week include retiree resolutions for all retirees, a series of sports competitions, and an employee awards presentation. The entire opening ceremony can be viewed live on the Port’s Facebook page.