Port of Guam signs Notice to Proceed for Radar Intrusion and Vessel Tracking System

Port of Guam

April 25, 2023 — The Port Authority of Guam (PAG) has executed a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the Acquisition and Installation of a Radar Intrusion and Vessel Tracking System for the Harbor Master’s Office.

“This latest addition of security equipment is a testament to the commitment made by the Leon Guerrero and Tenorio Administration to secure our Port and ensure the safe movement of cargo into our island,” said General Manager Rory J. Respicio. “This enhancement to the Port’s security system will help to further our modernization initiatives and protect the lifeline to our community.”

G4S Security Systems Guam, Inc. was awarded $347,000.00 for the project that is anticipated to be completed in November 2023. This project is funded by an FY 2021 Port Security Grant Program award and matched with local Port funds.

“The acquisition of a Radar Intrusion and Vessel Tracking System at the PAG is vital for maritime domain awareness, safety, and port efficiency,” Respicio said. “This project will aid in the prevention of transportation security incidents and mitigate potential harmful acts that may disrupt the flow of essential goods into Guam.”

The Port Authority of Guam controls commercial vessel traffic and regulates maritime activity with the utilization of VHF radio communications for all vessels entering, transiting and departing Apra Harbor. The addition of this modern radar and vessel tracking system will promote enhanced monitoring of Apra Harbor and the ability to track vessels from the territorial baseline to beyond 24 nautical miles out. Completion of this project will grant the Harbor Master’s Office real-time vessel identification with vessels equipped with Automated Information System (AIS) and increase vessel accident prevention critical to the continuity of operations and commerce.

The implementation of this project will enable the Port to conduct effective surveillance of both outer and inner Apra Harbor and adjacent approaches from the sea. It adds the ability to detect and identify potential Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) or conventional threats delivered by small craft and surfaced swimmers in sufficient time for timely classification and identification of the threat. This added capability allows for deliberate and measured deterrent and denial strategies to be implemented to protect critical Port infrastructure, private sector facilities, military assets and personnel that make up the Port community.

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