Republic of Marshall Islands Project Manager opportunity

July 9, 2023 — The Republic of the Marshall Islands Port Authority has issued Terms of Reference for an Individual Consultant – Project Manager (Marshall Islands Maritime Investment Project).


The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is located approximately midway between Hawaii and the Philippines and consists of 29 atolls, 5 islands and numerous small islets. The country covers an area of 1.9 million square km but has just 181 square km in land area. The overall population is about 55,000, but 75 percent live in Majuro (the capital) and Ebeye.  The remoteness of RMI and its narrow domestic manufacturing base and relatively limited natural resources makes inhabitants heavily reliant on international trade and shipping operations.  Most foodstuffs (excluding local foods, such as fish, coconuts and some fruits), building materials, clothing and manufactured products, are imported, while exports are limited to fish and copra products.

Given the country’s geographic characteristics and distant outer islands, the provision of efficient, reliable, and affordable sea transport services is considered essential for the country’s basic economic and social functions, and to achieving RMI’s national development plans. A fundamental requirement for providing inter-island shipping services is well-functioning maritime transport infrastructure and assets, including wharfs, docks, and jetties. Combined, maritime services and assets underpin inclusive economic growth and social development by providing RMI communities with reliable access to economic opportunities, services, and information.

RMI Maritime Investment Project (MIMIP)

The World Bank has agreed to fund the RMI Maritime Investment Project (MIMIP) to be implemented over a five-year period. The objective of MIMIP is to improve the safety, efficiency and climate resilience of maritime infrastructure and operations in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The proposed project will have four components:

Component 1:  Maritime Infrastructure Investments to improve port infrastructure and maritime services
Component 2:  Maritime Safety and Security Activities to strengthen safety and security of navigation and port operations
Component 3:  Technical Assistance for Port Planning & Project Management Technical assistance to supervise works, support project implementation, and develop local capacity to manage a more safe, efficient and climate resilient maritime sector
Component 4: Contingent Emergency Response To enable funds to be quickly reallocated to respond to emergency events

MIMIP is being implemented over a five-year period. The project became effective on July 17, 2019 and the current closing date is August 1, 2024.

Executing & Implementing Agencies:

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) are the Executing Agency. Responsibilities of the Implementing Agencies (IAs) are as follows:

Implementing Agency Components Implemented
Ministry of Finance (MOF) Registries Assessment and Options Analysis (Sub-component 3.6) and the Central Implementation Unit (CIU) (Sub-component 3.7).
National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) Component 4 on the CERC.
RMI Ports Authority (RMIPA, under MOTC) All other sub-components, including the technical support activity under Sub-component 3.7 that falls outside the CIU.

Project Implementation Unit (PIU):

A PIU has been established in RMIPA to assist in managing MIMIP, and ensure that the World Bank’s fiduciary, safeguards and reporting requirements, including monitoring and evaluation, are met throughout the implementation period.  Key staff include a qualified Project Manager, Marine Engineer, Project Implementation Support Specialist, and Project Administrator. All positions are based in Majuro, RMI. It is anticipated that inputs from a number of technical and fiduciary specialists will be needed from time to time during implementation to fill capacity gaps that might arise. Proceeds from MIMIP will also be used to finance annual project audits. The primary functions of the PIU are as follows:

  • Overall responsibility for implementing RMIPA’s MIMIP activities and for ensuring compliance with project requirements, including for procurement and preparation of bidding documents, financial management and auditing, safeguards aspects, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting.
  • Negotiating contracts for the supply of goods, works and services, including engineers and site inspectors, for signing by RMIPA.
  • Maintaining project accounts, arranging payments of suppliers, contractors and consultants.
  • Providing all necessary financial details related to RMIPA’s activities to MOF so that it can prepare and submit withdrawal applications to the World Bank.
  • Coordinating with key project stakeholders, including but not limited to, MOTC and the CIU.

 Project Manager

To oversee project implementation, RMIPA is now seeking a suitably qualified and experienced Project Manager who will head up the PIU and manage the existing PIU staff (Marine Engineer, Project Implementation Support Specialist, and Project Administrator).

Reporting framework:

The Project Manager will be based in RMIPA located in Majuro, the capital of RMI, and will report directly to the Director of RMIPA and indirectly to the Project Steering Committee (PSC).  An organogram of project implementation is included as Annex 1.

Function and objectives of Project Manager:

The Project Manager will function as head of RMIPA’s PIU. The PIU will provide the core technical and managerial support for the implementation of MIMIP activities implemented by RMIPA. The Project Manager will be responsible for advising and regular reporting on all project matters, project progress and results for MIMIP activities implemented by RMIPA. He/she shall be primarily responsible for the day-to-day administration of the PIU.

On behalf of RMIPA and in close collaboration with the CIU, the Project Manager will prepare annual work plans and budgets for RMIPA’s activities with appropriate levels of detail. The CIU will review this document and report on the analysis of budget versus actual expenditure and incorporate this into the Project reports for each calendar semester for MIMIP. The Project Manager will submit Project reports for each calendar semester no later than one month after the end of each calendar semester, or by January 31st and July 31st of each year, along with the annual work plans and budgets to the World Bank.

The Project Manager will also take the lead in coordinating with the CIU, as needed. He/she will be directly accountable to RMIPA for the competence of project advice and the quality of project reports. From time-to-time, it will be necessary to reassess and agree resource requirements for the PIU, to develop TORs for experts and support staff, and to recruit suitably qualified and experienced personnel. It is imperative that the Project Manager consults with the CIU Program Manager to ascertain the level of PIU support that may be needed beyond the existing staff and the support that is required to be provided by the CIU.

Key Tasks and Duties of Project Manager:

As MIMIP is already under implementation, a key focus of the Project Manager will be to ensure that ongoing project activities and activities that have not yet commenced, are expedited.

Management Tasks

  • Coordinate the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of MIMIP activities in accordance with the project legal agreements, project appraisal document, project implementation plan and annual work plans.
  • Coordinate the management and implementation of MIMIP through RMIPA and other IAs, in consultation and close coordination with the CIU Program Manager and implementing agency focal points.
  • Ensure that the various agencies and individuals involved work together effectively to achieve the objectives of the MIMIP.
  • Ensure implementation compliance in relation to the provision of the World Bank Financing Agreement.
  • Provide effective and efficient coordination of, and ensure the smooth running of, all project component activities.
  • Effectively manage Consultants hired through the project to ensure timeframes are met and ensure high quality of deliverables.
  • Ensure that there are no unnecessary delays in the review process of consultant outputs, by: a) providing consultants’ outputs promptly (within 5 working days) to key stakeholders including the World Bank, CIU and RMIPA for comment, b) reviewing and sharing formal comments on outputs with key stakeholders including the World Bank, CIU and RMIPA promptly (within 5 working days), and c) consolidating formal comments from key stakeholders including the World Bank, CIU and RMIPA, and sharing with consultants promptly (within a further 15 working days).
  • Oversee and manage the day-to-day running of the PIU office and coordinate the activities of its staff in accordance with their Terms of Reference and project needs.
  • Coordinate the design of project-related documents and templates.
  • Maintain official records of all project-related activities.
  • Regular evaluation and monitoring of project inputs and outputs.
  • Critically review formal project outputs, including the deliverables of Consultants and Contractors, in draft form to ensure that they are aligned to required quality standards and timeliness, and authorize their submission and/or release as appropriate when complete.
  • Provide advice to RMIPA and other project stakeholders on relevant GoRMI and World Bank requirements – reconcile any differences promptly and efficiently.
  • Prepare and oversee implementation of annual project work plans and budgets.
  • Liaise closely with RMIPA on the prioritization and selection of sub-projects to be included in the annual work plans and procurement plan.
  • Liaison with other Donor agencies, Ministries and with other relevant Projects within RMI.

Procurement Tasks

  • Provide guidance to RMIPA to review and update the procurement plan in the STEP system as required.
  • In consultation with staff at DIDA / CIU, assist RMIPA in the development and formulation of Terms of Reference for the recruitment of consultants, both individuals and firms, for technical assistance / advisors and design / supervision assignments.
  • Initiate and manage all RMIPA procurement activities for the project, in consultation with DIDA / CIU.
  • Assist RMIPA in fulfilling its contract administration and technical roles in works contracts.
  • Closely coordinate with the CIU (Procurement Specialists) to ensure that appropriately qualified technical evaluation committees (TECs) are in place in advance of the receipt of expressions of interest and/or bids, and that the individuals comprising the TECs are familiar with, and understand, the World Bank-compliant evaluation process to avoid any unnecessary delays in award of pre-and post-review contracts.
  • Oversee the procurement process to ensure that the TEC meets as planned and evaluation processes are not delayed.
  • Check that Bid Evaluation Reports are fully compliant with the Project Procurement Strategy for Development requirements, and World Bank Procurement Regulations.
  • Monitor and oversee the management of all consultants employed on the project to ensure full adherence to contract conditions.

Financial Management Tasks

  • Supervise the preparation of project accounts.
  • Arrange the quarterly review and annual financial audit of accounts.
  • Work with the PIU to ensure that the contract/commitment register and asset register for managing, and monitoring contracts and assets procured are maintained and up to date.
  • Closely coordinate with the CIU (Financial Management Specialists) to ensure Semi-annual Project Progress Reports are aligned with the financial report.
  • Closely coordinate with the PIU and CIU (Financial Management Specialists) to ensure budgets are prepared and submitted to the World Bank for review on a timely basis to allow for submission to the GoRMI Financial Information Management System to avoid delays to the processing of invoices.

Environmental and Social Tasks

  • Ensure that World Bank is made aware of any project-related incidents/accidents/fatalities in a timely manner.
  • Ensure that all Occupational Health and Safety requirements are complied with at all times for PIU staff.
  • Ensure compliance with the World Bank Environmental and Social policies, including project related documents (e.g., Environmental and Social Management Framework, Stakeholder Engagement Plan).
  • Closely coordinate with the CIU (Environmental and Social Specialists).
  • Ensure any necessary training is undertaken.

Reporting Tasks

  • Facilitate the preparation and public release of project information in accordance with GoRMI and World Bank Public Communications Policies.
  • Provide advice and assistance to IAs on public consultations.
  • Produce semi-annual project progress reports and completion reports (related to RMIPA’s activities), and organize the project mid-term review, including input from the implementing and executing agencies, World Bank and other project stakeholders.
  • Gather information and data, and report on, the performance indicators for the project.

Other Tasks

  • Coordinate the 6-monthly implementation support missions by the World Bank, including arranging meetings and site visits.
  • Provide timely advice to the PSC and RMIPA on project activities and emerging priority issues.
  • Perform other project-related duties as reasonably requested or required such as construction inspections, including mentoring and occasional ad hoc on-the-job training (as needed) provided to RMIPA staff.

Qualification and Experience Requirements

The selected candidate will have the following qualifications and experience:


  • A Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution is required (Master’s degree is desirable) in engineering, business or another relevant field.
  • 10 years of post-qualification experience, 3 years of which as a Project Manager/Team Lead on international aid-assisted infrastructure projects.
  • Proven experience in managing projects with diverse stakeholders and tight timelines.
  • Excellent general written and oral communication skills.
  • Ability to write fluent, sequential, informative but concise and accurate activity reports.
  • Competency in Microsoft office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc.) and MS Project or similar planning / monitoring software.
  • Experience managing multiple contracts and consultants, and ability to prioritize competing demands.


  • Engineering License/Certification.
  • Maritime-specific experience on international aid-assisted infrastructure projects.
  • Good working knowledge of World Bank fiduciary and safeguards procedures/requirements.

Duration of the Assignment and Estimated Time Input

This is a full-time assignment. The contract period will run until July 31, 2024, with a six (6) months’ probation period. Given the brief time remaining to implement MIMIP, the Project Manager will be expected to mobilize to Majuro, as quickly as possible after appointment. The position is expected to be located at RMIPA (Majuro, RMI), and office space, general office supplies and equipment will be provided.

 Reporting Requirements

 The Project Manager will be contracted and based in RMIPA and will report operationally to the RMIPA Director. RMIPA’s principal working counterpart is the World Bank’s MIMIP Task Team.

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