Trans Mountain’s Student Program: Looking to the future

September 6, 2023 — Each year, Trans Mountain welcomes a new class of summer and co-op students to sharpen their skills and gain work exposure in a corporate environment. This summer, we had nearly 50 post-secondary students working in Calgary, Edmonton, Burnaby and Kamloops.

As the students wrapped up their time at Trans Mountain, we asked them to tell us about their experiences and what they found most valuable. Read below to see what some of them thought about their past few months.

What interested you in a summer position with Trans Mountain?

“I was interested in this position as it was very relevant to my degree and one of the only opportunities that related specifically to the part of my degree in which I want to pursue a career.” Carley, Land and Right-of-Way Administration, Edmonton

“I had heard really great things about the work culture and community Trans Mountain strives to build. I felt it would be an incredibly rewarding and valuable experience.” Brenna, Stakeholder Engagement, Burnaby

“I’m very interested in the sheer size of the Expansion Project and number of people it’s affecting. It feels like all of Western Canada is counting on this project. Nearly the entire oil industry will be directly affected by it and everyone else — due to how much we need for our energy requirements.” Mayankjot, Owner Managed Execution Data Analyst, Calgary

What was the most important thing that you learned at Trans Mountain this summer?

“Technical knowledge-wise, I have learned a lot about a variety of engineering aspects: mechanical, piping, electrical, civil, etc. Personally, I have also gained experience working as a team and being comfortable to ask and talk with different people, who are more knowledgeable and experienced. Listening to what others have to say regarding their work or even just their life, I have learned a lot.” Darren, Construction Engineer, Burnaby

“I learned how to be resourceful in a corporate environment. Everyone is busy and may not be able to answer questions right away so it’s important to figure out how to problem solve on your own and to find new opportunities by asking around.” Annabelle, Land and Right-of-Way Administration, Edmonton

“This summer, I learned how to plan my projects and assignments effectively, efficiently and in a way that is comprehensive, yet leaves room for flexibility. Learning to leave room for flexibility in the planning process also helped me learn how to be more adaptable and be ready to do any type of communications work at any time.” Matt, Corporate Communications, Calgary

What did you feel was your most important contribution or achievement during your term here?

“I assisted with the acceptance and review of physical and electronic records as they were turned over from the Expansion Project to Operations. The review of these files led to the mechanical completion certificate of certain segments of the expanded pipeline.” Rianne, Pipeline Integrity, Calgary

“My biggest achievement while working here was acquiring my forklift ticket.” Jacob, Warehouse Student, Kamloops

“I was able to automate the creation of the yearly operating report my department uses to base/measure its yearly simulations. This will significantly reduce the time required to create the report and allow more time to do other valuable work.” Sebastian, Engineering and Business Development, Calgary

In what ways do you think your work term has set you up for success in the future?

“It allows me to be extremely independent, which then gives me a chance to learn, plan and be self-motivated (all being very important in any career). This lets me figure out what works best for me specifically in a work environment.” Bennett, Operations, Edmonton

“These last two summers, I have really built on my time management skills and how to apply them in a corporate setting, which I think is a super valuable attribute I can use in my future career.” Vanessa, Pipeline Protection, Burnaby

“This summer term has taught me to be more independent and take initiative in the workplace.” Gavin, Operations, Kamloops

What would you say to a future Trans Mountain summer/co-op student?

“Enjoy it! You’ve found a gem of a summer job that will surround you with great people and a great learning opportunity both for those interested in a field related to oil and gas, and those looking in different directions like myself!” Bennett, Operations, Edmonton

“Get involved in projects early so you can see it develop and conclude throughout your time at Trans Mountain.” Kate, Supply Chain Procurement, Calgary

“This is a fantastic environment to grow and feel supported. Your work-life balance will be respected here, and your team will make you feel like your future is bright.” Matt, Corporate Communications, Calgary

Are you interested in growing and gaining experience in the pipeline industry? Visit here to see what kinds of student opportunities we have or to learn more!

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